I just haven't really worked on anything for any Holiday.
I have sorted through my storage room. It's a bunk-bed room at thefront of the camper and where I put the dogs hen they need to be put up or at night, to sleep. I just can't trust that smallest one to be behave if left out of that room, and I'm not awake or in the room with him.
Labor Day weekend, Hubby, Two Grand-kids and I went and emptied a storage unit we had in Alabama. Well worth the trip but we still can't believe how little we really had in there and now much we put in the trash. We had a number of empty boxes that I had saved to use when we moved the Air Stream. No longer needed, so they didn't come back with us even though we paid a lot to keep them stored. Oh, if I had known just how much room I had left in the trailer, I would have brought home two, older sewing machines.. for free. Hubby is so happy that I decided to not bring them home with us. I really don't need yet another sewing machine.
The land we are living on is so quiet and peaceful. I do hear traffic along the busy road that really isn't that far away from the camper. It's about 1/2 a mile from the camper to the stop sign and just a few more yards to the main road between Dunlap and Whitwell TN. This last week has not been so quiet because the land on the other side of the driveway is being cleared. Lots oh heavy machinery and, of course, a radio at full blast. I do think that they are harvesting the few mature trees that they are felling. From time to time I hear a Truck leaving the area. I have walked down after they have left for the day, and taken a few pictures of what has been cleared.
The Girl Scouts troop my grand daughter is in, is having a yard sale in October and her mom has asked if there is anything I can donate to the cause. Well, with just emptying the storage and what I have stuck here and there in the camper, of course I have stuff I can send their way. So far three boxes of stuff. More to add as I'm not near done with the stored stuff yet and need to go through the boxes on the bunk-beds again.