Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sep 15

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Cookie Mix in a Jar
Gourmet style
oatmeal, chocolate and nuts yummmm
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1-1/4 c rolled oats
1 (5.5 ounce) milk chocolate bar
1/2 c white sugar
1/2 c brown sugar
1/2 c chopped nuts, walnuts, pecans (optional)
1/2 c chocolate chips
Layer as follows and pack each layer solid:
List of 5 items
. Whisk together flour, baking powder and baking soda
. Combine oatmeal and grated chocolate bar
. White sugar, then brown sugar
. Chopped nuts
. Top with chocolate chips to the top.
list end
Cut a circle of fabric large enough to cover the jar top, and hang over the edges halfway down. Secured with a rubber band and tie with ribbon or jute.
Attach a recipe card with these instructions:
Cookies Especially for You ~
Preheat oven 375º Set aside chocolate chips and nuts. Spoon brown and white sugar into mixing bowl. Cream together with 1/2 cup butter or margarine. Add
1 egg and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, mix well. Add the oatmeal and flour mixture into bowl, mix thoroughly. Mix in the chocolate chips and nuts. Roll into 1
inch balls and place on lightly greased cookie sheet two inches apart. Bake 8-10 minutes.
Yield: 3 dozen
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If you love baking this time of year, a fun get-together idea
is a cookie exchange. Everyone bakes dozens of the same cookie
and everyone who participates takes home a gigantic assortment
of homemade cookies.
Make sure that your guests understand that the cookies they'll
bring must be homemade and easily transportable, as the cookies
will most likely be combined with a lot of other cookies and
will need to hold their form well.
Just invite a group of your favorite cookie-loving friends
over and ask them each to bring a big batch of cookies
(estimate 1 dozen multiplied by the total number of guests),
a stack of recipe cards for the cookies they'll bring
and containers to take cookies home with them.
After a period of chatting and snacking, the cookie exchange
can commence with all of the cookies organized buffet-style on
a table and with everyone gathered around, merrily swapping
cookies into their containers.
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Oh Come All Ye Faithful
O come, all ye faithful, Joyful and triumphant,
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem;
Come and behold Him Born the King of angels;

O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ, the Lord.

Sing, choirs of angels, Sing in exultation,
Sing, all ye citizens of heaven above;

Glory to God, Glory in the highest;

O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ, the Lord.

Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, Born this happy morning,
Jesus, to Thee be
all glory given;
Son of the Father,
Now in flesh appearing;

O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ, the Lord.
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Getting Started

Preheat oven to 275 °F. Test temperature with oven thermometer for perfectly cured clay. Condition all clay by kneading until it's soft and smooth or running it through the Clay Conditioning Machine for several passes on the widest setting. Fold the clay in half after each pass and insert the fold side into the rollers first.

Step 1

Mix 1" ball of Chocolate and Ultra light together by rolling each ball into a snake and then twisting the snakes together. Roll and twist several times until you get a wood grain look. Roll through Clay Conditioning Machine at thickest setting (#1), cut the following pieces: two 3" by 1" (one side and long roof), 2 ½' by 1 short side), 2" by 1" (roof short side), 2" by 3" (base). Three brackets 1" long by 3/16" wide.

Step 2

Mix equal amount of Yellow and Ultra light clay into a 3/8" ball. Roll out at thickest setting and punch out a star. Place stable pieces and star on baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes. Let cool on baking sheet.


Make a ¾" ball of Chocolate mixture and form into a 1" long by 5/8" wide rectangle for the manger. Mix ½" ball of Yellow and 5/8" ball of Ultra Light clay to make the straw for the manger. Extrude mixture thru the 12 hole disc of the extruder. Pull ½" sections off. Place pieces on top of the manger. Cover all edges of the manger.

Baby Jesus

Body is a 3/8" ball of Ultra Light clay rolled into a ½" long oval. Head is a 5/16" ball of Beige, press on top of body. Wrap a 1/16" by 3 inch Gold snake around the body, forming an "X" on top. Punch out a 7/16" circle of Gold clay rolled out at #3 setting (Medium) for halo and press on the back of his head. Press the Baby Jesus in the manger.


Two white lambs and one black lamb. Legs are made from a snake 1/8" thick by 3" long, cut into ¼" segments of Black clay. Take 4 segments and press together to form legs. Roll two 3/8" balls (Body), two ¼"balls (head), two 3/32" balls (tail) four 1/8" balls (ears) of Ultra light Clay. This will make two lambs. Press the 3/8" ball on top of the legs. Add head on one end of body, and roll the 3/32" ball into a ¼" teardrop for tail. Press onto opposite end of the body. Add a 1/8" ball of Black shaped into a cone for a muzzle. With needle tool dot in eyes above muzzle. Flatten two 1/8" balls into teardrops for ears. Press on each side of the head. Mix a ½" ball of Black and 3/8" ball of Ultra Light to make the black sheep in the same way.


Mary is approximately 2" tall. Mix 7/8" balls of Blue and Ultra Light clay together. Make a 7/8" ball out of the mixture for the body. Shape into a 1" cone. Make sleeves by roll part of the mixture into two ¼" thick by 1 ¼" long snakes. Flatten one end to measure ½" wide . Hands are made from two Beige balls 5/16 and two 11/64 balls, (thumb), flatten the 5/16" balls in to 3/8" long teardrops. Roll the 11/64" balls into ¼" ovals. Press the oval on the side of the teardrops. Press hands on the wide ends of the sleeves. From Ultra Light Clay rolled out at #3 setting on Clay Conditioning Machine cut two 2" by ¼" strips. Wrap each strip around the hands and sleeves. Press sleeves on each side of the body, bring hands together praying. Head is a ¾" ball of Beige clay. Press on top of body. Press two E beads for the eyes. Add lines to outside of eyes. Draw a smile and dot each corner with needle tool. Apply pink chalk to dots. Add a 1/8" ball of Beige for nose. Extrude 3" of Chocolate mixture out of the 1/8" hole disc. Cut into 1" pieces and bend into teardrops for Mary's hair. Place just above the eyes. If you have any leftover Blue Mixture, mix enough Ultra Light clay to make a light blue (3/4" Ball). Roll out at #4 setting on Clay Conditioning Machine. Cut a 4" by 1 1/8" piece of light blue. Roll a 4" long by 1/8" thick snake, lay snake along one edge of the light blue piece. With acrylic rod, flatten snake. Drape the light blue piece over Mary's head. Press down the back and fold in each side to the back.


Joseph body is an equal mixture of Elephant Grey and Ultra light clay (7/8" balls). Shape into a 1 ¼" cone. Extrude two 3" pieces of Chocolate mixture out of the 1/8" hole disc, twist together to make a rope and put around the body. Create the sleeves by rolling part of the mixture into two ¼" thick by 1 ¼" long snakes. Flatten one end to measure ½" wide. Hands are made from two beige balls 5/16 and two 11/64 balls, (thumb), flatten the 5/16" balls in to 3/8" long teardrops. Roll the 11/64" balls into ¼" ovals. Press the oval on the side of the teardrops. Press hands on the wide ends of the sleeves. Mix equal amounts of Moss and Ultra Light clay (¾" balls). Roll mixture at #3 setting on Clay Conditioning Machine cut two 2" by ¼" strips. Wrap each strip around the hands and sleeve. Press sleeves on each side of the body. Head is a ¾" ball of Beige clay. Press on top of body. Press two E beads for the eyes. Add lines to outside of eyes. Roll out Chocolate mixture at #3 setting of Clay Conditioning Machine; texture the clay by drawing lines with Needle Tool. Cut out a one mini heart (beard) and two 3/8" teardrops (mustache). Press beard on to the head, just below the eyes. Add teardrops on top of the beard. Make a 1/8" ball of Beige, shape into a teardrop. Press between the eyes and over the mustache. See finished project for placement. Head dress is made in the same matter as Mary's using Moss clay and Chocolate for stripe. Extrude two 3" pieces of Chocolate mixture out of the 1/8" hole disc, twist together to make a rope and wrap around the head. Cane is made with the craft wire twisted together and one end bent over. If you do not have two colors of wire just use one color and twist together. Place cane to one side of Joseph and bring hands to the front.

Step 1 Stable

Work on a baking sheet when assembling the stable. Roll out Chocolate clay mixture at thickest setting, cut three 1" by ¾" pieces. This will be your mortar to put you stable together with. Lay the base down, stand the long side and short side pieces along the 2" side of base. Lay the short roof piece on top of the long side piece, and the long roof piece on top of the short side piece, this piece will be on top of the short roof piece. Push up the roof pieces until the peak measures 3 ½" from the bottom of the side pieces.

Step 2 Stable

With pieces of unbaked Chocolate clay press into corners meet. Apply Translucent Liquid Sculpey where unbaked clay touches the baked pieces. Apply Translucent Liquid Sculpey to the back of brace pieces. Place the brace pieces over each corner and peak. ApplyTranslucent Liquid Sculpey to the back of Star and place on peak. Leave base in the middle and lying flat while the stable bakes.

Step 1 Assembly

Place figures on baking sheet. Bake all items for 45 minutes at 275 degrees.

Step 2 Assembly

Glue the stable sides to the base using glue. There will be a 1" in the front and back of the stable. Hold for approx 5 minutes for glue to set up.

Step 3 Assembly

You can glue pieces in the stable or leave them free. Glue with Crafters Pick glue.

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Things to do at Christmas time, Make a winter scarf.
Knit, crochet or sew a scarf. With cold weather, keeping warm would outside is important.
No pattern is needed to make a scarf. 
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Free Nativty craft pattern - free Christmas decorations!
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