Thursday, August 16, 2012

Aug 16

Wassail for the Holiday
Definition list of 8 items
1 orange, washed
1 lemon, washed
1 1/2 teaspoons whole cloves
3 (3-inch) sticks cinnamon
1/2 cup sugar
1 gallon apple cider
2 cups orange juice
1 cup fresh lemon juice
list end
Peel orange and lemon, keeping the rind intact as you peel. Insert cloves into the rinds.
Combine the clove-studded rinds, cinnamon sticks, sugar and apple cider in a large cooking pot; bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer for 10 to
12 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside to cool completely.
To serve, add orange and lemon juices to mixture and heat until hot, but not boiling
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"A Note for Santa Claus"
 by Mary E. Pool
from the IDEALS Christmas Magazine 1961

How can a fuzzy, wiggly pup
Hang in my little sock,
With balls and trucks and aeroplanes,
And telephones that talk?

I've left a note for Santa that said,
"Please fill my sock to the brim;
Put my puppy in my warm bed...
I'll be waiting for him."
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Stitched Felt Scandinavian Heart Ornament

If you have ever visited a Scandinavian country at Christmas time, you will notice how the colors of white and red dominate the holiday decorations. This simple and charming color combination is perfect for creating stitched felt ornaments for your tree.

Felt Scandinavian Heart Ornament 330

Time required: about 30 minutes

Difficulty Level: Easy

Material List:

- white felt
- red embroidery floss -4 strands - (two strands doubled) are used to stitch around the heart and the
- batting
- embroidery needle
- trick marker for transferring markings onto the felt
- heart cookie cutter or other heart template


1. Cut out 2 hearts from your felt.
2. On one heart, trace snowflakes and cross stitches onto the heart. The trick marker has the advantage that the markings will disappear within a few hours or if you slightly dampen the markings with water. Now the stitch over the markings with embroidery floss. Secure the ends on the backside of the heart.
3. Place the two hearts over each other with the right sides on the outside. Blanket stitch around the heart until you are shortly before the end. Fill the heart with stuffing and then blanket stitched closed.
4. Create a loop using embroidery floss and sew onto the top of the heart as a hanger.

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things to do at christmas time, Drink a cup of hot chocolate
S'mores Hot Chocolate

Smores hot chocolate 2 835x1024 Smores Hot Chocolate

Everyone loves a good s'more. But when a campfire isn't an option, or you just want a new way to enjoy that chocolate-marshmallow-graham cracker combo, try a sippable version of the s'more: hot chocolate rimmed with graham crumbs and topped with a roasted marshmallow — broiled in the oven!

Smores hot chocolate 5 1024x635 Smores Hot Chocolate

For the roasted marshmallows, place large or small marshmallows on a parchment-lined baking sheet and broil on high in the oven for a minute or two. Watch them carefully so that they don't burn! Once they're deep golden, take them out.

Smores hot chocolate 3 1024x682 Smores Hot Chocolate

To rim your mugs, sprinkle some graham cracker crumbs in a shallow dish or on a plate.

Smores hot chocolate 4 1024x682 Smores Hot Chocolate

Wipe the rim of your mugs with a wet cloth, or dip them in shallow water. Dip them into the crumbs a few times and they'll stick to the rim.

Smores hot chocolate 1 789x1024 Smores Hot Chocolate

Make the hot chocolate of your choice and carefully pour it in, avoiding the rim. Top with roasted marshmallows and serve!

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